
Cadmium is a soft flexible silver gray colored metal. Cadmium is used for the production of metal alloys and as rust preventing metal coating. It is also used for the filling batteries and accumulators. Cadmium salts are used in the paint industry.

Cadmium Coating

Metal Finishing & Plastic LTD is the only company, except for the Israeli Aerospace Industry, authorized to perform aviation-level cadmium plating while adhering to the Israeli Aerospace Industries PS standards.

Cadmium coating primarily appears in aviation standards that require resistance to severe weather conditions, drastically varying temperatures, abrasion, corrosion and high humidity.

Cadmium coating is a strictly engineering coating and is usually accompanied by yellow passivation.

Classification according to the Aerospace Industry PS231000

Classification Table According to Type – Classification According to Passivation Type

Type Passivation Type
Type I Cadmium coating without passivation
Type II Total cadmium plating with yellow, black or green chromate treatment. 96 hours of Salt cell resistance for white corrosion.
Type III Cadmium coating with phosphate finish. Zinc is used mainly as paint preparation.

Classification table according to Class and Coating Thickness

Class Minimal coating thickness Maximal coating thickness
Class I 12.5 micron 20 micron
Class II 7.5 micron 15 micron
Class III 5 micron 12.5 micron

Classification according to standard QQ-P-416

Classification According to Passivation Type

Type Coating Type
Type I Cadmium coating without passivation
Type II Total cadmium plating with yellow, black or green chromate treatment. 96 hours of Salt cell resistance for white corrosion.
Type III Cadmium coating with phosphate finish. Zinc is used mainly as paint preparation.

Classification According to Coating Thickness

Class Required coating thickness
Class I At least 12.7 micron (0.0005 inch)
Class II At least 7.6 micron (0.0003 inch)
Class III At least 5.08 micron (0.0002 inch)

* As coating thickness is higher, the component’s corrosion resistance is better.

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